Hello High School Families!
A few reminders:
EARLY DISMISSAL - Thursday, Sept 12, 2024
Senior class meeting will begin at 7:45 am. All seniors should plan to attend and can check their WASD email for additional information.
Grades 9-11 will participate in field day activities connected to our Whole Child iniaitive.
Students who are absent will need to submit documentation for their absence to be excused.
Breakfast and lunch will be served.
Fall CT will dismiss early from CT in order to go home at the early dismissal time.
Our annual picture day is Tuesday, September 17, 2024 for students in grades 9 - 11.
Photographs are used for our annual yearbook and families have the option to purchase pictures for personal use.
CareerTech students will be photographed before departure. All fall CT drivers should stop by the high school in the morning to be photographed.
Our district nursing staff will also conduct annual height and weight checks. Measures are in place for student confidentiality of information. Please contact the school nurse (amy_gebhart@wasdpa.org) if you have any questions.
Members of the Class of 2025 should have been photographed over the summer. If your senior did not have his/her picture taken, please contact Mrs. Gagliardo (janay_gagliardo@wasdpa.org) for information about a make-up portraits in November.
In-Person learners will be photographed according to a grade level/ last name schedule. Learners who aren’t at WASHS for the full day (early to college, Apex) are welcome to stop by the high school between 8:00 am and 1:00 pm to have their picture taken.
Student attire for pictures must meet WASD dress policy which can be accessed HERE. Students whose attire does not align with the WASD dress policy will need to change in order to be photographed.
If your learner won’t be in school on the 17th, the make-up day is Tuesday, October 22.
Order forms will be sent home by the end of the week. You can also access the order form electronically through THIS link and send it with payment. Online payment options are available but learners will still need the order form, including the reference number from your online payment.
HOMECOMING INFO: September 27 & 28, 2024
Friday, September 27:
Homecoming Parade from Summitview to WASHS Stadium featuring Homecoing court and WASHS clubs (Homecoming king & queen candidates are nominated by WASHS teachers for exemplifying school spirit, academic succession, leadership, extra-curriculum involvement, and respect/kindness for others. The king and queen are voted on by members of the Senior Class.)
Northern York High School will present their field show before kick-off
Football kick off versus Northern York at 7:00 pm
Introduction of the Court, king and queen crowning at halftime
WASHS band, color guard, and cheer squad will present their field show after the game
Saturday, September 28:
Homecoming Dance, sponsored by WASHS student council, 7:00 - 10:00 pm in the WASHS Cafeteria
Attendees may park in any open space on property
Attendees being dropped off - please enter via the D-wing lot, drop off in the back of the school, and exit via the 2nd street entrance from 2nd Street
Tickets are $10 per approved attendee. Must present ticket upon arrival.
Guest forms, linked below, are due by 3:00 pm on Friday, September 20
WASHS Students need to return a completed expectation form when purchasing their ticket. Expectations include:
All obligations to WASD paid
Appropriate attire, as outlined on the expectations form
Passing all classes
3 or less unexcused absences
Have had no more than one day of suspension from school during the current school year
Expectations FORM (required for all WASHS students, submitted when purchasing a ticket)
WASHS students who are not attending the dance should not be on school property before, during, or after the event.