Hello High School Families, A few reminders as we start 2024:
Calendar Reminders:
- Tuesday, Jan 2 - WASD Schools and Offices are CLOSED. However, CareerTech is in session for Fall semester students. Transportation is provided from the a-level lot - please have your learner at school by 7:30 am.
- Wednesday, Jan 3 - Schools and Offices reopen from winter break
- Monday, Jan 15 - No School for Students & Staff, CareerTech CLOSED for fall semester students
- Thursday, Jan 18 - Last day of 1st Semester (see note about end of marking period below)
- Friday, Jan 19 - No School for Students, Staff Professional Development day, CareerTech CLOSED for fall semester students
- Friday, Jan 19 - Pack the House Night Basketball Games at WASHS Games will begin at 3:15 pm with the Maidens and Indians competing against the Big Spring Bulldogs.
- Saturday, Jan 20 - Winter Formal hosted by the Class of 2024 Executive Council (see additional information below)
- Monday, January 22 - First Day of 2nd Semester, First day at CareerTech for spring semester students (please see additional links below)
Keystone Exams:
- Winter Keystone Exams will be administered at WASHS following the schedule outlined below. Your child will test if he/she is currently taking one of the courses listed on the schedule.
Literature | -Honors English 10 (testing during class period) -English 10 (testing during class period) -Learners not yet proficient or have not yet taken Literature exam (testing during block 1) | Thursday, January 4 Friday, January 5 |
Algebra | -Algebra IB (testing during class period) -Algebra I (testing during class period) -Learners not yet proficient or have not yet taken Algebra exam (testing during block 1) | Monday, January 8 Tuesday, January 9 |
Biology | -Honors Biology (testing during class period) -Biology (testing during class period) -Learners not yet proficient or have not yet taken Biology exam (testing during block 2) | Wednesday, January 10 Thursday, January 11 |
Make-Ups | All subject areas | January 12, 15, 17 |
- Students who previously took a Keystone Exam but did not earn a proficient or advanced score will also need to retest. As a reminder, if your child is schedule to retest in January, he/she received an email from Dr. Kopco in November and I also sent your family a BoroBlast email notification. If you have any questions about Keystone Exams, please email Dr. Kopco at allison_kopco@wasdpa.org.
- Any student currently at CareerTech who needs to retest will do so during the Spring testing window.
- If your child has an appointment during testing we ask that you attempt to reschedule it or plan on your child completing that day’s module during make-ups.
- Your learner will need his/her a CHARGED chromebook for testing.
- Please encourage your learner to try his/her best on these exams. Support your child by ensuring they get a good night's sleep before the exam and also eat breakfast the day of testing. If your learners is re-testing, you can access example Keystone questions on the PA Department of Education website.
- A letter to families about Keystones can be accessed HERE.
- Please note that students MUST turn in all electronic devices (cell phones, smart watches) at the beginning of the exam session. As per updated guidelines from the Department of Education, a student found in possession of an unapproved electronic device during testing will receive a disciplinary consequence and will be required to retake the Keystone for that subject area. You can learn more about this requirement by reviewing THIS letter from the PA Dept of Education.
End of First Semester:
- Thursday, January 18 is the last day of first semester and the last day of second marking period.
- Many courses at WASHS will end at the end of the semester.
- Please check your child's grades in the Sapphire Community Web Portal.
- Reach out to your child's teacher with any questions about grades.
- Encourage your child to finish the semester/marking period strong by turning in any outstanding assignments.
Class of 2024 Exec Council Winter Formal - Saturday, January 20 at Green Grove Gardens
- Event is for members of the Class of 2024, Class of 2025 as well as members of the WASHS Class of 2026 and 2027 as an invited guest of the Class of 2024 or 2025 and approved Non-WASHS grades 9-12 through under 21.
- Tickets are $20 each, NON-REFUNDABLE
- LUNCH-TIME SALES: January 10, 11, 12, 16, 17
- AFTER SCHOOL SALES: January 11, 16 (must be in line by 3:00 pm)
- Attendees must meet all requirements in the Expectations FORM for WASHS Attendees
- Guest FORM - 9-12 at another high school must be submitted by January 12, 2024 at 3:00 pm.
Spring CareerTech Info:
- Families whose child will transition to CareerTech for the spring semester are encouraged to review the CareerTech HANDBOOK for information about inclement weather delays and closures on page 9.
- The 2023-24 CareerTech calendar can be found HERE. This calendar will also be reviewed with Spring Semester students during a meeting on January 16. If there are school days when CareerTech is open but WASD is closed, CareerTech students are expected to go to school. Transportation to CareerTech is available from WASHS (park in a-level lot). Please arrive by 7:30 am.