Summitview Learners celebrated meeting their mid-year Project TEAM ticket goal on January 2 and 3, 2020. WASD Elementary Schools utilize Project TEAM as a way to teach our learners about desired behaviors at school. The “House” symbol represents a place where all learners, regardless of their background, belong and feel safe and included. The six foundations of Project TEAM are represented by characters – Harper helps others, Paco makes positive changes, Amelia opposes bullying, Philo is a problem solver, Ruby is resilient, and Lamar is a leader. Learners earn Team tickets throughout the year for actions that exemplify the six Project TEAM characters. Examples include helping a younger student, including another learner at recess, and completing a challenging task. Each grade level has a special Project TEAM song that we play on the intercom on special Double Ticket Days. We also have a school-wide song. This year, we selected the song, “Try Anything,” from the movie, Zootopia.
Learners enjoyed two afternoons of activities. One afternoon was spent watching the movie, Zootopia and the other afternoon included activities celebrating expectations for being “In The House.” Here’s a few pictures from the event. Special thanks to school counselor, Mrs. Davenport, and members of the Project TEAM committee for their hard work in planning this event!