A few reminders about morning arrival and afternoon dismissal.
Students are considered on time for school before 8:50 am. This means children need to be in their classroom at this time. Morning supervision is begins at 8:30 am, therefore, learners should not be dropped off prior to 8:30 am, unless they are eating breakfast which begins at 8:25 am. In order to keep traffic flowing on Second Street, please do not stop at the main entrance and instead please pull all the way up to the tree near the side parking lot so several cars can drop off at the same time.
Second, we begin dismissal at 3:15 pm. If you need to pick up your child before 3:15 pm, we must have a note sent to school in the morning, except in cases of emergency. Having notes in the morning helps us ensure your child is packed up and ready to go on time.
Finally, as a reminder, WASD no longer allows transportation notes for students to go home with on school buses at the end of the day.