It’s one of the first things visitors see when they come to Summitview but how many of you know the history of our bell, located in the lobby of Summitview Elementary?
Our bell was made October 4, 1872 and hung in the Second Street School that once stood on the corner of Walnut Street and Second Street in Waynesboro.
The Second Street School was sold to Geiser Manufacturing Company in 1906 and was torn down to make way for the factory that made threshing machines (farm equipment used to remove the seeds from stalks and husks). At the time of the sale, our bell was moved to the Clayton Avenue School (currently the Waynesboro Area School District administration building). Despite its weight of over 800 pounds, our bell was moved to the top of the building. There our bell remained for many years until the age of the building caused the belfry to be too weak to hold the heavy bell. At that time the bell was moved to the basement of the Clayton Avenue School where it remained for many years.
When Summitview Elementary was being planned, then principal, Mr. Gerald Stouffer, thought the bell would be a good addition to the new school. The bell was transported from the Clayton Avenue School basement to Chambersburg, where it was sandblasted and cleaned for its new home.
According to a clipping saved by Mrs. Seylar, current 4th grade teacher and daughter of Mr. Stouffer, “instead of listening to it [the bell ringing] it listens to us going and coming! We are so lucky to have this piece of Waynesboro History at our school. It’s hard to believe our bell is 147 years old!