Tonight is the last night to pick up your learners materials, which include their yearbooks. Pick up runs from 3:40-7:40. Visit our website or Facebook page for more information.
over 4 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
Visit our Mowrey Facebook Page or You Tube Channel to see the world premiere of Spirit of the Mustangs Vol. 2
over 4 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
Each year our Mustang staff creates a special video to share with our Mustang Learners during an annual celebration. Tomorrow would have been our scheduled celebration. Since we are not together, we will be sharing our video with Mustang Country virtually on our Facebook page. Are you ready Mustang Country?
over 4 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
Spirit of the Mustang Vol. 2
Due to the official closure of Pennsylvania schools for the reminder of the school year, WASD will be reaching out to learners to pick up personal items from lockers or desks. However, we are honoring the stay at home orders until April 30th. WASD learners and families will be notified of pick up options in May.
over 4 years ago, WASDPA
Yesterday Mowrey Elementary recieved a sweet surpise from our #mwmustanglearners. This video was organized and created by one of our very own 5th grade learners for our Mustang faculty and staff with the help and support of our #mustangfamilies Visit our Mowrey Facebook page to watch this heartwarming video.
almost 5 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
5th Grade Families, We have just been notified by Gertrude Hawks that the 5th grade fundraiser will not be delivered until tomorrow due to factory delays. Therefore, fundraiser pick up will occur tomorrow, April 7th from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your continued support.
almost 5 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
It’s Find a Friend Friday. Right now we are all feeling disconnected from those outside of our house. Today we challenge you to reach out to a friend (new or old) and send them a letter, card, or phone call to brighten their day. Consider neighbors who live alone or family or friends in isolated settings. How can you make their day better and brighter? Wear your orange and represent #AmeliaAntiBullying. Post your stories and pictures in the comments or email them to
almost 5 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
Amelia Foundation
Amelia Career
#PacoPositiveChange tells us how important it is to make positive changes in our own lives and in the world around us. Do something today that makes you or someone else say, “That’s Better” on this special Thursday. Wear your blue to represent Paco and take a picture that shows your hard work. Post your stories and pictures in the comments or email them to
almost 5 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
Paco Foundation
Paco Career
This is an informational message regarding the 5th grade Gertrude Hawk fundraiser. Fundraiser pick up will be held next Monday, April 6th from 4pm to 5:30 pm. This fundraiser pick up will be a “drive up pick up” in our back parking lot. We ask that families park along the sidewalk in the rear parking lot, outside the gym lobby entrance. Mowrey staff will monitor parent and family arrival and deliver your fundraiser to your car. We ask that you remain inside your car during the fundraiser pick up to ensure we are following the CDC recommendations for social distancing. Thank you in advance for your support and understanding.
almost 5 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
It’s Work Together Wednesday and we want to see you represent #HarperHelpingOthers. Wear your yellow and work together with a sibling, parent, or digital friends to help someone else. How can you help make someone’s day better? Post your stories and pictures in the comments or email them to
almost 5 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
Harper Foundation
Harper Career Connection
It’s Talk It Out Tuesday! Today, put your heads together and solve a problem that you are curious about or need help with. Wear your green to represent #PhiloProblemSolving as you put your heads together to problem solve while you are home. Post your stories and pictures in the comments or email them to
almost 5 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
Philo Foundation
Philo Career
Check out our Mowrey Facebook page for a special message for our Mowrey Mustangs. #borostrong #mwmustangpride
almost 5 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
Today is Make a Mistake Monday. Yes, we are encouraging you to make mistakes because mistakes mean you are learning! Today we want you to wear your purple to represent #RubyResiliency as you try something new and bounce back from any challenges you encounter. What can’t you do YET that you could work on learning during this time? Post your stories and pictures in the comments or email them to
almost 5 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
Ruby -
Resiliency Foundation
Ruby Career Connections
Today is School Spirit Day, do you have #mwmustangpride? Today we hope everyone in our #mustangfamily shares their Mowrey love and spirit. You can send a photo of your learner, or your family wearing your Mustang spiritwear to:
almost 5 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
WASD Superintendent Dr. Kline has coined a new hashtag, #BoroStrong! We would love to see our learners create an image displaying this hashtag! If your child would like to create a graphic, it should be submitted electronically to: Graphics should be the size of an 8x11 sheet of paper, and consist of a white background with a 1 or 2 color design. Please include your child's first and last name, grade, and school. Designs will be used for social media posts and other communications from the district.
almost 5 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
Today we celebrate spring! We can still enjoy the spring weather while maintaining our social distance. How have you been enjoying the nice weather? Feel free to share a photo of your #mwlearner or #mustangfamily enjoying spring by emailing them to
almost 5 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
In light of schools being closed through Monday, April 13 and re-opening Tuesday, April 14, 2020, enrichment materials will be available on the district website and building websites on Monday, March 30. Learners are encouraged to complete the tasks for their grade level and you may email your child's teacher with questions. If your child does not have access to technology, hard copy enrichment materials will be made available. If you are in need of a packet because your child cannot access technology at home, please call your school’s main office and leave a message with your first and last name, your child/ren's first and last name(s) and grade level(s), and a daytime phone number. You will be notified about pick up time and location. Fairview - 717-762-1191 x1400 Hooverville - 717-762-1191 x1500 Mowrey - 717-762-1191 x1600 Summitview - 717-762-1191 x1800 Please note, these materials are only for those families who are unable to access the digital resources. Stay healthy, and stay Boro Strong!
almost 5 years ago, WASDPA
Today is Reading Day, check out Mrs. Smith taking some time to read. Feel free to share a photo of your learner reading or your family reading together by sending it #mwmustangpride #borostrong #reading
almost 5 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
At Home Spirit Week - Reading Day with Mrs. Smith
Today is Teamwork Tuesday, Check out Mrs. Rhodes sporting her Project Team shirt. Please feel free to email a photo of your learner, or your family wearing their Project Team shirt or color to We look forward to seeing our Mustangs in their PT colors......Remember Mustangs we are a TEAM!
almost 5 years ago, Mowrey Elementary
Mrs. Rhodes - Project Team Day
Check our Facebook page each night this week for a special bedtime story from one of our Mustangs.
almost 5 years ago, Mowrey Elementary