WASD is offering Summer Bridge Bundles to all learners in grades K-5 FREE of charge through the use of ESSERS funding! Learners who participate will receive a school-based reward in September for completing the all activities!
Summer Bridge Activities is an AWARD-WINNING summer learning series that is an easy and proven way to help children retain their classroom skills and be prepared to enter their next grade with confidence. Activities take just 15 minutes a day to complete!
Each Summer Bridge Bundle has the following:
• Summer Bridge Activity Workbook
• 4 books (2 fiction & 2 nonfiction)
• Math Flash Cards
• Parent User Guide
Click here for more information - https://drive.google.com/file/...
Please considering being a parental partner and helping your child participate in summer learning!
Sign up for the free resources
DEADLINE TO ORDER --> May 11, 2022.