Hello Hooverville Hornet Families, This message includes several pieces of important information as we prepare for the first day of school. Hooverville Hornets are ready to shine! This year’s theme is, ‘Be A Light’. This theme can have a variety of meanings as we begin our year, but ultimately we hope to continue to be the shining light guiding our learners to success. We also hope learners will continue to shine their lights and support each other. We will incorporate this theme throughout the school year. We can’t wait to see (either in-person or virtually) all of our learners next week.
Please consider wearing yellow sometime this week!
1. Arrival time is 8:25 for students eating breakfast. All other students should arrive from 8:40-8:50. To assist learners who may not know where their classroom is located, teachers will be outside to greet all students. Each teacher will be holding a sign with the homeroom name. Students will line up at a physical distance in the grass area on the playground by homeroom. Students will enter the building systematically with their teacher. Parents are not permitted to walk into the classroom.
2. Dismissal will begin at 3:25. Please stay in your car and use the semicircle to pick up your child. We will be dismissing students and keeping them physically distanced. Please be patient as we work together to ensure a safe dismissal of our learners.
3. Hooverville will be utilizing number tags for car rider families to assist in keeping the pick up line moving and for the safety of our learners. Number tags should be used by families who plan to come through the line to pick up their child. Number tags are encouraged, even if your child is a car rider on an occasional basis. It is our goal that all families have a car rider number beginning Tuesday, September 8th, 2020. If you do not have access to a device to complete the Google Form, please visit the Hooverville office during normal school hours to complete a paper version of this form.
4. Information about Remote Learning Days (Sept. 2, 16, 23, 30):
- Teachers will be posting material and activities for learners to complete on Wednesdays in their individual Google Classrooms by 9AM that morning.
From 9-9:30, learners are invited to join a live morning meeting with their teacher and class and preview the expectations for the day. This meeting will be recorded and posted into the Google Classroom for those who are unable to access it live.
Learners will then work at their own pace throughout the day to complete lessons and activities in the Google Classroom.
From 2:30-3:30, teachers will be available for office hours to help any learners or families who have questions about the work for the day or need support. A link to access virtual office hours will be posted in Google Classroom.
All Wednesday work will be due that evening by 8pm. Please note that ALL assigned work must be completed and turned in for learners to be counted as “present” for attendance purposes. If your child is having problems completing the work, he should attend office hours for the teacher or email the teacher directly outside of those hours for assistance. If work is not completed and there is no communication with the teacher, the child will be marked absent.