Notice is hereby given to receive sealed bids for the purchase of Teacher/Admin Laptops for the Waynesboro Area School District. Sealed bids will be received at the Administrative Office of Waynesboro Area School District, located at 210 Clayton Avenue, Waynesboro, PA 17268, until 10:00 AM EST on Friday February 7, 2025. Bids must be in a sealed envelope marked with “SEALED BID FOR 2025 TEACHER/ADMIN LAPTOP PURCHASE DO NOT OPEN” and submitted to the attention of Technology Director/Approved Designee. Bids received after the above referenced date and time shall be returned to the bidder unopened. Bids will be publicly opened after the scheduled closing time at the Administrative Office of Waynesboro Area School District. To obtain a copy of the RFP, please visit the district website at or email

WASD Request for Bid- Purchase of Teacher/Admin Laptops for WASD Schools
January 17, 2025